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Media of Interest

Below you will find videos pulled from various sources to help demonstrate the hypocracy and truths that are often hidden by our Main Stream Media. When we see a video that we fear may be removed, we attempt to download it and share it here.

List was last modified: November 25 2023 12:39:14

Does the WHO consisist of 'Conspiracy Theorists'

According to the new WHO (World Health Organization) report, the virus escaping from the Wuhan lab is not ruled out.

Personal Note: For over a year, countless people have been censored and de-platformed for saying this exact same thing. People who rely on monitization from social media were shut down and de-monitized for expressing this same belief, but they were flagged as 'misinformation'.

Now that a new WHO report says that this hytpothosis can not be ruled out, where is their compensation? Regardless of section 230, should there be a class action law suit against those Social Media platforms that chose to censor them and cause them damage, both financially and to their reputations? Is this not defamation?

Brandon Tatum drops Truth Bomb on BBC

BBC Host asks ex-police officer, Brandon Tatum, his thoughts regarding the Derek Chauvin jury decision and gets showered with statistical facts. Mr. Tatum eloquently states what most of us already know, but we aren't hearing it being said, until now.

CNN Admits To Being Fake News; says "Fear Sells"

CNN Technical Director, Charlie Chester admits that CNN is indeed, Fake News. In this hidden footage caught by Project Veritas, Chester explains how the network would conjure up lies about President Donald Trump and that they "creating a story that they knew nothing about". He gives the lying network credit for Trumps removal from office and lets us know that after COVID, they move to Climate Change, because "Fear Sells".

I can't wait to see how much of THAT will be made up!

Yolande Norris-Clark Speaks About The Sars Vaccine

I had never heard of Yolande Norris-Clark, but I came upon this video while watching educational reels on Instagram. I found myself watching all 25 minutes and finding most of the information interesting.

To be clear, I find some of what she is saying to be a bit 'out there', but for the most part, regarding spirituality and this vaccine, I think she would be really interesting to speak with.

Also, I appreciated her 'Guns & Ammo' video. She speaks of being a pacifist but defends the rights of citizens.

NOTE: Her voice is super soothing so don't lay down, you'd be sure to fall into a trance.

Benefits of the Sars-CoV-2 Experimental Gene Therapy.

Should you take part in the experamental gene therapy being used for SARS-CoV-2? Here are some common sense questions and the answers as given by the government.

NOTE: Some of the data toward the beginning of the video has changed a bit in regards to masks and businesses. Otherwise, the remainder of the video is still accurate.

Cooking The Books on COVID-19

For months Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc.) has been silencing anyone who questioned anything about COVID-19 and the Fauci agenda. Whether intentional or not, Dr. Ngozi Ezike out of Illinois, has been telling the truth from day 1.

Consider the statement below, coupled with the fact that hospitals were/are being financially incentivised for every COVID-19 patient they reported... How accurate is the reported 525,000 deaths?

"If you died from a clear alternate cause, but were diagnosed with COVID, it's still listed as a COVID death."

Kamala Harris Urges Riots

Kamala was on the Stephen Colbert show during the summer riots of 2020 and specifically said that the riots would not stop, they should not stop and that they should support them. Those riots cost Billions in damage and the lives of 20+ individuals.

Side Note: Even Colbert looks a little uncomfortable with her comments and FYI, the interview ended immediately after this.

Maxine Waters Inciting Mob Mentality

During an Anti-Trump administration rally, Maxine Waters tells attendees that they need to hurrass republican cabinet members while out in public. She tells them to make sure you tell them 'they are not welcome'.

Side Note: An 'ethics complaint' was filed against Maxine Waters for this incident.

Cory Booker Sends People to the Hill

At a Washington conference, Cory booker literally tells people that his call to action is that they don't leave there and go home, but instead head to the Hill (Capital Hill) and get up in the face of some congress people (because how could that possibly go wrong).

Montage of Dems Calling for Violence

The following is a montage of numerous Democrat/Liberal individuals calling for violence. Some declare conservatives as terrorists, others call for violence in the streets and death threats against our then President Donald Trump.

It is these people who are inciting violence; something they deflect onto President Trump.
I invite anyone to share videos showing the same horendous behavior coming from conservatives

Plot To Steal America

The following is an oppinion piece that is derived from actual events. Most of what 'Man in America' discusses in this video I fully believe because I too have followed the events leading up to and following the 2020 election.

Googles Choke Hold on The Election

The following is an interview between Tucker Carlson and Dr. Robert Epstien, a Democrat (and Biden supporter) who has warned for years that Silicon Valley would be able to rig an election by controlling the flow of information. Now, he's proven that they have.

Message from Dr. Simone Gold

Dr. Simone Gold is an Emergency Room Physician and part of America's Frontline Doctors that was featured in a video at the capital which was taken down by YouTube. I will be posting that video also, but this is a good detailed breakdown of her findings regarding COVID-19, Hydroxychloroquine and the directive from those above her. The video is nearly an hour long, but worth the listen. (https://www.AFLDS.com)

Trump Team Shows Violence Montage from Dems

President Trump's legal team points out hundreds of rallys over 5 years with no incidents of violence and then show's his tweets for peace and calm and finally a video montage of calls for violence from Democrats ( they left out Kamala Harris' calling for continued riots )

Black Lives Matter - Marxism over Capitalism

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has raised upwards of $100,000,000 dollars. They were founded by three women who desire Marxism over Capitalism. Numerous multi-billion dollar capitalist corporations donate to BLM, do they desire the same? Bill O'Reilly clarifies and outlines the flow of money in the below video.

This is a small partial list of corporate donors:

  • Cisco: $5,000,000
  • Microsoft: $1,500,000
  • Amazon: $10,000,000
  • Gatorade: $500,0000
  • Deckers Outdoor: $500,000
  • unilever 350k
  • Nabisco: $500,000
  • DoorDash $1,000,000
  • intel: $1,000,000
  • WMG: (undisclosed)
  • Toms Shoes: $100,000
  • AirBNB: $500,000

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